だからFBをやめられない その3 Power by Peter, Paul and Mary


Just give me the warm power of the sun         私に太陽の力を
Give me the steady flow of a waterfall        私に確かな水力を
Give me the spirit of living things as they return to clay.  土に
Just give me the restless power of the wind        私に風の力を
Give me the comforting glow of a wood fire        焚火の輝きを
But please take all of your atomic poison power away. 
Everybody needs some power I’m told         電力は必要だろう
To shield them from the darkness and the cold        生きるには
Some may see a way to take control when it’s bought and sold.
I know that lives are at stake          生命が危なくなっている
Yours and mine and our descendants in time.           子孫の
There’s so much to gain, so much to lose       多くを得多くを失う
Everyone of us has to choose.             私達は選ばなくては


We are only now beginning to see            やっと気づいた
How delicate the balance of nature can be       自然の微妙さに

The limits of her ways have been defined       自然には限界が
And we’ve crossed that line.           私たちは一線を越えた

Some don’t even care or know that we’ll pay       代償は大きい
But we have seen the face of death in our day.       死の顔が
There’s so little time to change our ways       もう時間がない
If only we together can say           みんなで声をあげれれば


All of your atomic poison power              毒の原子力
All of your atomic poison power              毒の原子力
Away.                           さようなら


Facebook で流れてきた。ここのところ私のブログはFacebook だよりになってしまった。これはいかんとは思うのだが………。



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